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Business Value Creation Post Pandemic: Planning for the Future

Forum Solutions’ five-part series: Business Value Creation - Post Pandemic can help you evolve your vision, strengthen your leadership and culture, inspire and engage your workforce of the future, and ultimately build your resiliency. In this post, we cover the critical elements that every organization must address when planning for the future.

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Envisioning the Workplace New Normal in a Post COVID-19 World

The COVID-19 pandemic will not end with the flip of a switch, however businesses that respond to the current predicament while re-thinking the future will be more robust and resilient. Planning the restart of operations can seem daunting: How do you protect employees, partners, customers, and communities in an ever-changing environment? Just because a workplace reopens, that does not mean a return to “normalcy”.

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How Implementing an Emergency Ebola Response Informs Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans (BC/DR) delineate procedures and instructions for organizations to address business processes, company assets, and human resources in the event of a disaster. Without a BC/DR plan, your organization will take longer than necessary to recover from an incident – or even go out of business for good. Forum’s Amanda Schwartz shares her experience in managing a real-life emergency response effort and the importance of having a plan in place before crisis strikes.

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Enabling Board and Executive Decisions Through Measurable Insights

At first glance, a dashboard may seem like simply a software solution but Involving business owners from the beginning and doing the difficult work of sifting through the mountains of data to find the hidden insights are the keys to success. Forum Solutions shares insights into building effective board and executive dashboards that enable data-driven decision making.

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Blockchain Business Applications

Blockchain technology offers the ability to securely share information and execute transactions between multiple entities in a decentralized way. Blockchain enables businesses to collaborate and scale in a trusted, transparent way. Here are 4 reasons to care about blockchain and the value it can bring to an organization.

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Inspiring and Accelerating Female Entrepreneurship

According to the American Council on Education, women have earned half or more of all baccalaureate degrees for the past three decades and half of all doctoral degrees for almost a decade. However, despite the number of female graduates available for leadership positions, globally the proportion of senior business roles held by women stands at 24%, up slightly from 22% in 2015 (Forbes). Forum Solutions’ Marissa Iannarone shares her recommendations to inspire and accelerate female leaders.

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Should Primary Care Providers get scribes?

Many health systems are experimenting with ways to lessen the burden on primary care, including changing scheduling practices to accommodate different types of visits, implementing call centers, and creating value-based (rather than volume based) compensation plans. Some are providing scribes, a third person in the room (or virtually) documenting the visit in the medical record in “real” time.

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Customer-Centricity as a Competitive Advantage

As the new basis of competition pivots to customer-centricity, companies will need to re-think their strategic portfolios to incorporate a more holistic view of how each critical initiative that a company undertakes in turn delivers a capability that moves them closer to their customers.

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Customer-Centricity: The Era of the Customer

In the past decade, the power of the customer has been amplified to an unprecedented level affecting businesses in every industry. Companies are now in a position where they have to be acutely aware of their customers’ experiences and opinions, but also must gracefully react to them in ever-decreasing timeframes.

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