Envisioning the Workplace New Normal in a Post COVID-19 World

The COVID pandemic has changed everything - in our homes and communities, our businesses, and the global economy. Many companies were caught off guard by this extraordinary event - only 12% of companies surveyed reported they were prepared for the COVID pandemic[1] indicating that few organizations have current business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

“12% of companies were prepared for a pandemic”

— Gartner

The COVID-19 pandemic will not end with the flip of a switch, however businesses that respond to the current predicament while re-thinking the future will be more robust and resilient. Planning the restart of operations can seem daunting: How do you protect employees, partners, customers, and communities in an ever-changing environment? Just because a workplace reopens, that does not mean a return to “normalcy”.

Resuming operations will require a focused team, intense coordination, and the ability to quickly adapt facilities amidst changing regulations, quarantine restrictions, and a general level of uncertainty. Companies who step into the current challenge with a thorough plan and a holistic point of view will emerge strongest.

In our work helping global and local companies reemerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have determined that there are four key areas which must be addressed when resuming operations:

  1. New Work Processes & PracticesBusinesses need to rapidly address evolving regulatory requirements while continuing to execute on core business activities. Employee health and wellbeing are paramount to keeping your business operating in this unprecedented time.

    • What processes and every-day practices need to be adapted in a regularly changing environment?

    • How will local, state, regional and national regulatory differences be considered?

    • How will employees be protected? How will you ensure people are following required protocols?

    • How will you capture and report on data – potentially personally identifiable data - in a way that is safe and secure?

  2. A Modern WorkplaceThe physical work environment will change. As we were required to work from home with this pandemic, adjustments had to be made in how we collaborate with others. Businesses need to make some of those modifications permanent and adjust others as workers return to an office setting.

    • How will you decide who is essential to be physically present in the workplace versus those that can work remotely?

    • How will on-site and remote workers collaborate?

    • How are remote workers supported both technologically and in longer-term career development?

  3. A Robust Implementation Plan and Governance StructureBuilding and systematically executing on a reopening plan requires strong project and

  4. program management experience. This includes establishing and managing scope, driving to an ever-changing schedule, aligning resource needs, dependencies and budget based on the culture and complexity of the business.

    • How will risks and issues be managed and addressed?

    • How will leaders and employees be informed of progress, key decisions, and actions?

    • Which decisions need to be made? How? At what level? By whom?

  5. Enhanced CommunicationClear communication is required at all levels of an organization in concert with changing processes and practices. 80% of employees in a recent Gallup poll indicated they were not yet comfortable returning to work[2].

“80% of employees are uneasy about returning to work”

— Gallup April 14, 2020 Poll

Employees react differently in stressful situations. Fear and anxiety cause strong emotions and will be present at varying degrees as employees return to work. Helping employees understand and embrace change will accelerate their re-engagement and increase productivity.

  • How will you not only explain the “how” but the “why” for new policies and procedures?

  • How will you help employees adapt to and embrace the changes?

  • How will you connect with employees regarding their wellbeing?

How can Forum Solutions help your business plan and realize a “new normal” post COVID-19 or build resiliency through business continuity/disaster recovery? Let’s talk: info@forumsolutionsllc.com.

Forum Solutions is a management consulting company that helps Seattle’s business and nonprofit leaders build and implement effective strategies for transformative growth and sustainable results. Forum offers clients the right skills for every job: strategic expertise and lean execution – improving businesses at any level – from the executive suite to the individual contributor.

[1] https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2020-03-10-gartner-business-continuity-survey-shows-just-twelve-percernt-of-organizations-are-highly-prepared-for-coronavirsu

[2] https://news.gallup.com/poll/308264/americans-remain-risk-averse-getting-back-normal.aspx


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